16. May Statistics

Shelly and I celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary Wednesday, June 2, by riding our bikes over the Mississippi River from Illinois into Missouri. 

Here are some stats from our journey through May 31:

Total Miles: 1,025

Avg. Miles on Riding Days: 41

Best Bike Gear: Our Trek 520 bikes – they are beasts

First Runner Up, Best Bike Gear: Sena Bluetooth Helmets – the ability to communicate while we are riding has been critical to our safety

Should Have Left At Home: tripod and extra lens for camera

Flat Tires: 0

States: 5

Favorite Southern Accents: South Carolina

Favorite State for Bicycling: Kentucky

Favorite City:  Charleston SC

Favorite Meal: Shelly – lobster roll at the Shuckin’ Shack in Summerville, SC; Jens – She Crab Soup and Shrimp and Grits at the Charleston Crab House

Wild Kingdom of Road Kill Encountered: armadillos, turtles, snakes, skunks, squirrels, possums, rabbits and birds

Turtles Saved: 2

Best Singers: The songbirds of South Carolina

Loudest Singers: Cicadas in Kentucky

Go-To Power Snacks: Shelly – chocolate milk;  Jens – Moon Pies

Bicycle Tourists Encountered: 3 westbound, 3 eastbound 

Ferry Crossings: 1

Time Zones: 2

Dog Chases Won: 5

Dog Chases Lost: 1 (a dog chased Shelly  and bit her right rear pannier twice)

Most Frequent Whining: “It’s too hilly.” “It’s too steep.” “It’s too far.”  “It’s too hot.” It’s too humid.” “It’s too cold” “It’s too windy.” “It’s too foggy.” “It’s too cloudy.” It’s too sunny.”  “It’s too rainy.“ “This is harder than I expected.” “I hate eating at gas stations.” “I wish I was 29.” “When are we going to get there?”

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Jane

    Well, Happy Anniversary! You sure hit the jackpot Jens. This account of your trip is fabulous and even though some sluggards aren’t reading as fast as you post, the effort you are putting into this is very much appreciated. So far I’ve forwarded your blog to 3 people and more will be added. Living vicariously through you as you go through places we’ll never see, is a real treat. And the pictures are wonderful.

    It’s hot here too, up to 90, but not humid. You both look great and thanks, again, for taking us on the trip with you.

    Much love!

  2. Jane

    Oh, and John hooked into 8 sturgeon over 4′ long on the Columbia on Monday, kept one. It made me think of you two fishing. Actually I was thinking maybe next year you can swim the length of the Columbia together for your 38th anniversary! Just a thought. 🙂

  3. Jens


    I’m not sure why John’s recent trip to the Columbia reminded you of him and me fishing, as he actually caught fish on the Columbia. 😉

  4. Ashley Duvall

    I love this! What an adventure!! I’m glad to see your favorite place is Kentucky!! We love our state and there are some of the most beautiful sites to be seen!! I met you guys at McDonalds in Albany, Ky. Your story is so inspiring!! I’m glad to see that you all kept going!! You have made it so far!! Keep up the great work!! You all are doing wonderfully!!!

  5. Penny

    Glenn and I just read your latest blog post. Glenn wants to know if we should send you bus tickets. 😊
    Happy anniversary!🥂
    You two have got to be in amazing shape. You will have so many stories and so many memories.
    We wish you continued safe travels and less roadkill. ❤️

  6. Brian Stine

    Happy Anniversary! Your statistics make me feel like a slug. Any stats for moments of beauty, inspiration and encouragement? I feel like I’ve seen lots following your blog.

  7. Pam

    Happy anniversary! I love the whining recap!

  8. Terra

    Happy Anniversary! What a way to celebrate doing something you both enjoy (or not)! Keep enjoying our beautiful country and continue to stay safe.

  9. Gail

    Happy Anniversary! I guess this is one you won’t forget soon. The stats were fun to read! You have also shared other blessings of protection, provision, companionship with others along your journey, God’s beauty of creation, appreciation of good days and hard days, perseverance, deeper love for eachother, health! Soon you’ll be on the 2nd half of your trip and seeing family! ❤

    Keep up the hard work and eyes on the goal…we hope to zoom with you soon.

    We are gone this week …headed to The Gorge and Portland .

  10. Gail

    BTW…WE will be going by car becayse we’re not as adventurous as you are….but if we see any cyclists we’ll be kind and encouraging 😊

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